
The EU regulations over ambient air quality standards aim at preventing and reducing negative effects from air pollutants to human health and to the environment. Alongside roads with high traffic loads air immission limits are still exceeded frequently. Therefore, one criterion in the planning process for new road and rail road networks is to meet the required air immission limits and to determine the immission situation for the future.
- Development of new residential and industrial areas close to heavily used roads
- Road traffic management (e. g. town bypass, tunnel constructions, noise protection walls)
- Planning of car parks, underground parking garages, petrol stations
- Airport construction or expansion
The selection of a suitable forecasting model depends on the situation and the required level of detail. Besides obvious parameters like traffic volume and performance we also take the influence of complex terrain, houses and other obstacles as well as the meteorological situation into account. Based on the comparison of various planning scenarios we draw conclusions on the preferred scenario from the air immission point of view.
Our services include:
- Emission calculation for road, rail road and air traffic
- Detailed air immission forecasts (dispersion modelling using MISKAM, LASAT, LASPORT) and immission screenings (using IMMISLuft and MLuS)
- Preparation of Clean Air Plans, where applicable in combination with Noise Action Plans
Dr. Wolfgang Henry
Tel.: +49 (0) 8192 / 99 60-16